What Not Adults or Children Should Do When Wearing Invisalign?
Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic trays that fit over teeth. Invisalign helps straighten teeth by moving them little by little over time. When you are getting treatment for Invisalign in Oakville , or anywhere else, you must follow a strict set of instructions to get good results from treatment. It is important to follow the instructions for wearing your Invisalign It is important to follow the instructions for wearing your Invisalign. If you don't, your aligners may not work as well and you won't get the results that you want. In addition, following the directions closely will help protect your teeth from damage caused by using improper techniques or materials while wearing Invisalign. If an adult decides they want to wear braces but have a lot of experience with them already (e.g., they wore braces as a teenager), then there are some things he or she should keep in mind. Adults should make sure their dentist knows what kind of experience t...